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The ProgressBar is offered in two different sizes—big (8px) and small (4px). The big progress bar height is typically used when there is large amounts of space on a page. The small progress bar height is commonly used when space is restricted and can be placed within cards, data tables, or side panels.

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There are three states for the progress bar: active, success, and error. These states also apply on both indeterminate and determinate progress bars. After the process completes successfully or unsuccesfully, a progress bar can either remain persistent as confirmation or validation, or it can be automatically dismissed depending on what is most suitable for the use case.


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fun IndeterminateProgressBar(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, labelText: String? = null, helperText: String? = null, indented: Boolean = false, inlined: Boolean = false, state: ProgressBarState = ProgressBarState.Active, size: ProgressBarSize = ProgressBarSize.Big)

A progress bar provides feedback about the duration and progression of a process, such as a download, file transfer, or installation, to indicate how long a user will be waiting.

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fun ProgressBar(value: Float, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, labelText: String? = null, helperText: String? = null, indented: Boolean = false, inlined: Boolean = false, state: ProgressBarState = ProgressBarState.Active, size: ProgressBarSize = ProgressBarSize.Big)

A progress bar provides feedback about the duration and progression of a process, such as a download, file transfer, or installation, to indicate how long a user will be waiting.